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QR Code Label

QR Code Label

Home / Press Blog / QR Code Label QR Code Label Packtica Sdn. Bhd. manufactures high technology hologram labels and stickers in Malaysia. Packtica extends our complete range. Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

Holographics Products

Holographics Products

Home / Press Blog / Holographics Products Holographics Products Holography is three-dimensional photography. The hologram is a true, three-dimensional record of the original object. It contains depth and parallax, which is the ability to see around the object to objects placed behind.   Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

Tamper Evident

Tamper Evident

Home / Press Blog / Tamper Evident Tamper Evident You may read more about Tamper Evident by clicking the button below. CLICK TO READ MORE ABOUT TAMPER EVIDENT  Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

Destructive Label

Destructive Label

Home / Press Blog / Destructive Label Destructive Label Holography is three-dimensional photography. The hologram is a true, three-dimensional record of the original object. It contains depth and parallax, which is the ability to see around the object to objects placed behind. Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

General Label

General Label

Home / Press Blog / General Label General Label Holography is three-dimensional photography. The hologram is a true, three-dimensional record of the original object. It contains depth and parallax, which is the ability to see around the object to objects placed behind. Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

End User Verification

End User Verification

Home / Press Blog / End User Verification End User Verification With our new launch of product tracking and verification technology CheckNow™, not only benefited to the end users but our clients.   Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like



Home / Press Blog / Checknow Checknow Packtica Sdn. Bhd. manufactures high technology hologram labels and stickers in Malaysia. Packtica extends our complete range. Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

Then And Now

Then And Now

Home / Press Blog / Then And Now Then And Now What are the differences in business models between 30 years back and now? Looking back at the nostalgic pictures of our parents and grandparents, have you ever thought how lucky we are today to have all the proper tools and facilities to run a business smoothly? Lack of proper facilities, low living costs and simple lifestyle with less intrusive thoughts in the golden days have led to a low competition in the business industry. Back then, people are easily contented by earning just 50 cents or finish selling all 5 bags of apples they bought from the apple planters. Being compared to today, could we deny that the profit for a cup of coffee priced at RM19 is lesser than two thirds of its selling price? What act of greediness have people today been doing and how can we stop it? Beginning of the 1970’s, the government came up with the New Economic Policy (NEP) which made flexible SME loans and schemes largely available to eradicate poverty and rebalance economic structure between different ethnics. With more facilities made available, almost anyone can become a business owner and that is when competition starts to rise and become extensive during the emergence of less regulated e-commerce platforms such as LAzada and Shopee. When competition becomes too tight, some people are forced to use other methods to generate higher return and occasionally, these alternatives mostly consists of unethical tactics, cheat and fraud. For instance, trading has been one direct way of business; buying a product from the manufacturer or distributor then sell it to the consumers. It is that simple. But at times when greed and fear of losing looms over, bad intentions brings negative impact not only towards the country and the economy but also you and your family.   Did you know that approximately RM5.4 trillion (US$1.3 trillion) counterfeited goods are traded globally every year and is expected to rise to RM11.7 trillion (US$2.81 trillion) by year 2022. What do you think of this impressive figure bagged by the fake goods industry? The higher the market value of the counterfeit industry, the lower the trading value of genuine products and the more dangerous to consume general products ranging from eggs, rice to baby formula and to the favourite tea that you order from a restaurant. What if the power bank that you newly bought is fake and might explode when you use it? On the other hand, have you ever wondered why prices for the same product differs so much on e-commerce sites? Yes, it could be expired or fake but also could be illegal importation by unauthorised dealers or price dumping by agents to get rid of excess stocks. Illegal importation by unauthorised dealers poses serious problems to authorised dealers by adding competition, snatching profits and generating unwanted additional after-sales services and warranties. To upkeep your business, you must first address your current problems and then look out for solutions. Whether or not your product have been copied or parallel imported, it is always better to be ready before these issues largely affect your income. At Packtica, we have professional advisors to provide free consultation on all sorts of security printing solutions for you to protect and improve your business. Call us now to get your business protected.     Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

LPM Support X Institut Sukan Negara Malaysia

LPM Support X Institut Sukan Negara Malaysia

Home / Press Blog / LPM Support X Institut Sukan Negara Malaysia LPM Support X Institut Sukan Negara Malaysia Recently, Packtica team had made a visit to Persatuan Insan Istimewa Cheras to understand and help special children and people. As we always believe in giving back, we brought food and needs to the house in the hope of the special children and people living there will have improved emotional and financial support.  By singing and setting up Christmas tree together with them, we truly felt sympathy yet humble to be who we are and what we have in our lives. We will definitely continue to support these special children and people whenever we are able to. Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like

ASEANbeauty 2019

ASEANbeauty 2019

Home / Press Blog / ASEANbeauty 2019 ASEANbeauty 2019 ASEANbeauty 2019 – This premier international beauty trade show for Southeast Asia sets as a golden opportunity for domestic and international industry players to establish and expand their business network with industry insights through three days of business networking, seminars and educational workshops. This unsurpassed captivating beauty exhibition that act as a vital role in creating huge opportunity and trading platform for exhibitors and quality buyers to foster solid networks will make its debut from 2 – 4 May 2019 at Bangkok International Trade & Exhibition Centre (BITEC). Being set up at the most strategic location in Bangkok, ASEANbeauty has the cutting edge in attracting thousands of exhibitors and buyers globally into this highly concentrated beauty trade show for new sales lead that is acclaimed as the most essential sourcing, branding and trading hub for beauty, skin care, cosmetics, spa, supplement, healthcare, and OEM/ODM & packaging industry in Southeast Asia Region. Adding glitz to this beauty trade show, a series of programs such as educational beauty talks, seminars, product demonstration, technical workshops and hosted buyer programs. ASEANbeauty will also be hosting the Beauty Innovation Awards 2019 too. Packtica Thailand will be making presence there to provide our crafted solutions to address all current issues faced by the beauty industry. Our founder, Mr Bryant Kooh, is delighted to present and demonstrate a series of our products at the beauty trade show on 2nd May from 12.20pm to 12.50pm at the main stage area. Share Via BACK TO LISTING You May Also Like