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Smart QR Hologram Label


Hologram Sticker Label Printing Malaysia

Packtica is Malaysia’s leading security label supplier that offers high-quality hologram label and sticker printing services.

Hologram labels are security stickers made with serial numbers or logos to make products difficult to counterfeit, adding authenticity. Having more than a decade of experience in hologram sticker printing, we provide highly secure hologram label designs with more than 30 types of technology combinations available. 

Using cutting-edge technologies alongside our variable data printing enhancement, we help you to develop hologram printing with unique information that can be extracted from a pre-generated database, significantly reducing the risks of counterfeits.

Our Service

With our variable printing technology, we produce a wide range of holographic labels, including 2D, 3D, Dot Matrix, as well as Russlegram Holographic labels. Offering you customizable hologram sticker printing that comes in various sizes, colors, and materials which significantly enhances counterfeit deterrence.

Brands trust us


Types of Hologram Labels


Options and Capabilities

With our expertise in variable data printing, we incorporate features like Smart QR codes and unique serial numbers for better product tracking, ensuring your product safety and authenticity. Contact us to explore our options and learn more about our recommendation for your application.

  • High Quality Material
  • Customizable shapes and sizes
  • Special Finishing Effects

  • Minimum MOQ
  • Reasonable Price
  • On Time Delivery

Free Consultation

Kindly click the “Calls” or “WhatsApp” button below to reach out to our team members for further inquiries and to address your needs.
Jennie Teng
(Central & East Coast)
Jing Ying
(Central & Southern)
Sales Associate Manager
Daryl Tan
Business Senior Executive
Sales Executive

Any Question?

We would love to help you further!

frequently asked questions

Step 1: Contact us by clicking the Calls/Whatsapp button on our website.

Step 2: Receive free consultation and quotation from our experts.

Step 3: Confirm the quotation and agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 4: Review the design.

Step 5: Make a 50% payment upon design confirmation to start the production process.

Step 6: Wait for 18-21 working days for your product to be ready and make the final payment for product delivery.

Yes, our holographic labels are made of paper and PET materials which remain undamaged by water, hence, making the hologram stickers water-resistant.

Hologram labels make it harder for products to be counterfeited, as our holographic laser technology makes them as unique as your fingerprint.

Yes, our hologram labels offer various customization options such as various shapes, sizes, designs, and color combinations. Plus, you can also include your company name and logo into the hologram stickers to enhance your branding efforts.

Hologram labels can be applied to a variety of products, including smooth or curved surfaces. Most of them are applied by hand, but we can also set label gap and detailed parameters to match corresponding equipment.

How to order

Step 1: Contact us by clicking the Calls/Whatsapp button on our website.

Step 2: Receive free consultation and quotation from our experts.

Step 3: Confirm the quotation and agree to the terms and conditions.

Step 4: Review the design.

Step 5: Make a 50% payment upon design confirmation to start the production process.

Step 6: Wait for 18-21 working days for your product to be ready and make the final payment for product delivery.

Are hologram labels waterproof?

Yes, our holographic labels are made of paper and PET materials which remain undamaged by water, hence, making the hologram stickers water-resistant.

Can Smart QR hologram labels be copied?

Hologram labels make it harder for products to be counterfeited, as our holographic laser technology makes them as unique as your fingerprint.

Is it possible to design hologram labels with my company logo?

Yes, our hologram sticker printing services offer various customization options such as various shapes, sizes, designs, and color combinations. Plus, you can also include your company name and logo on the hologram stickers to enhance your branding efforts in Malaysia.

How do I install hologram labels?

Hologram labels can be applied to a variety of products, including smooth or curved surfaces. Most of them are applied by hand, but we can also set label gaps and detailed parameters to match the corresponding equipment before printing out your hologram stickers.

More Secure Label